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No. 2. Vol. 31. 2025

DOI: 10.17587/it.31.59-64

V. M. Sobol, Software Consultant
JSC "NIIAA", Moscow, 117393, Russian Federation

Aspects of Formalization of the Subscription Protocol

The issues of process specification of the model of a specialized subscriber protocol of an automated system for the exchange of documentary information using Petri network notations and time logic are considered. The semantics of document exchange is determined by the paradigm of alternation of quasi-parallel input-output processes of a reacting system. The formalization of a number of properties of the semantics of an automated system in abstractions of temporal logic is shown.
Keywords: subscriber protocol, document exchange, subscriber service, reactive system, propositional set, Kripke model, temporal logic, LTL

P. 59-64


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