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No. 6. Vol. 27. 2021

DOI: 10.17587/it.27.306-313

D. V. Efanov, D. Sc., Associate Professor,
Scientific and Technical Center "Integrated Monitoring Systems" LLC, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, Russian University of Transport, Moscow, Russian Federation,
V. V. Saposhnikov,
D. Sc., Professor,
Vl. V. Saposhnikov, D. Sc., Associate Professor,
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

The Concurrent Error-Detection Systems Organization Based on the Boolean Complement Method with the Preliminary Transformation of Operating Functions into Check Vectors of Berger Codes

The article describes a new way of concurrent error-detection (CED) systems organization using the Boolean complement method, which involves the use of pre-compression of signals from the diagnostic object using encoders of classical sum codes (Berger codes). Control of compressed signals is carried out using the constant-weight "1-out-of-4" code. In comparison with the known methods of the CED systems organization, it is possible to implement a self-checking digital device using one such circuit, and this significantly reduces the structural redundancy. The article suggests using the encoders of modified Berger codes with improved error detection characteristics as a compression scheme.
Keywords: calculation checking; combinational devices checking; Boolean complement method; signals compression; constant-weight code; Berger code; error detection

Acknowlegements: This work was supported by the grant no. MD-2533.2021.4 of the President of the Russian Federation. DOI: 10.17587/it.27.306-313

P. 306–313

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