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No. 8. Vol. 26. 2020

DOI: 10.17587/it.26.450-459

Yu. A. Mezentsev, Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, e-mail:, Yu. L. Korotkova, Postgraduate Student, e-mail:, I. V. Estraich, Senior Lecturer, e-mail:, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Problem and Tools for Optimal Regulation of Airline Fleet Schedules

The problem of optimal regulation of aircraft assignments for airline flights is considered. Optimal schedule management consists in setting or changing schedules in such a way that minimizes the increase in the total length of the schedule or the loss of the system from violations of the specified departure schedules of aircraft. This problem is NP-hard and does not have effective algorithms for exact solution. A detailed review of approaches to solving its modifications and related fleet management problems is given. The original formal formulation and solutions are presented. The article presents statistics on testing software implementations of modifications of its solution tools, proving the actual effectiveness of the developed tools.
Keywords: optimal regulation schedules, the criterion of performance, the binary cut and branch algorithm

P. 450–459  

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 19-37-90012; this work was supported by the Minstry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, project no. FSUN-2020-0009.

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