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No. 7. Vol. 26. 2020

DOI: 10.17587/it.26.387-393

N. P. Demenkov, Ph.D. Tech. Sciences, Associate Professor, e-mail:, E. A. Mirkin, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor, I. A. Mochalov, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor, e-mail:, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Markov and Semi-Markov Processes with Fuzzy States. Part 2. Semi-Markov Processes

A non-Markov model of a random process is considered, in which a simple stream arrives at the input of the system, and the duration between states is distributed according to an arbitrary law. The equation of the connection of the semi-Markov process with fuzzy and clear states is compiled. Various particular cases of such a connection are given, when the given triangular membership functions of fuzzy states are modified into their unit analogues, and the kernels of the integral equations are represented by an exponential distribution. A description of the recovery process as a special case of the semi-Markov process and the appearance of a fuzzy integral equation is presented.
Keywords: semi-Markov process, fuzzy states of the process, fuzzy integral equation

P. 387–393

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