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No. 6. Vol. 26. 2020

DOI: 10.17587/it.26.334-341

A. A. Dubanov, Ph. D., Associate Professor, Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation

Model of Group Pursuit of a Single Target Based on Following Previously Predicted Trajectories

This article describes the geometric model when a group of pursuers pursues a single target. The movement occurs on a plane, but if necessary, this model can be transferred to a clearly defined surface. The speed of movement of all participants, both the pursuers and the target, is constantly modulo. The goals and strategies of each of the pursuers, despite the difference in trajectories, are united by one criterion. They strive to approach a point in space associated with the pursued object, under a given direction, observing restrictions on the curvature of the trajectory. The goal and strategy of the object of pursuit is determined by the behavior of one of the pursuers.

Keywords: pursuit, evasion, escape, modeling, algorithm, goal, pursuer, trajectory

P. 334–341

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