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No. 7. Vol. 25. 2019

DOI: 10.17587/it.25.426-434

D. V. Efanov, D. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Direction of monitoring and diagnosis systems department of "LocoTech-Signal" LLC, Professor of Russian University of transport, Moscow, Russian Federation, e-mail:

The Ternary Parity Code in the On-Line Testing of Automation Devices

The author of the article raises the question about the development of methods for the on-line testing of ternary automation devices. The article presents an analogy between the approaches to the organization of systems for devices on-line testing using binary and ternary logic. The ternary parity code and some of its properties are described, the accounting of which is expedient when organizing diagnostic systems. It is proved that all parity code data vectors are distributed evenly among all its check vectors. A formula for counting the number of undetectable errors in the ternary code data vectors with a uniform distribution of all data vectors between all check vectors is given. A coding theorem is proved with the least total number of undetectable errors in the ternary code data vectors for fixed values of the lengths of data and check vectors. The rules for constructing modified ternary parity codes are given.
Keyword: automation and computer engineering; ternary logic; on-line testing; the calculated result; indirectly controlled; errors at the outputs; ternary parity code

DOI: 10.17587/it.25.426-434

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