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No. 3. Vol. 25. 2019

DOI: 10.17587/it.25.143-451

D. V. Efanov, D. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Direction of monitoring and diagnosis systems department of "LocoTech-Signal" LLC, Professor of Russian University of Transport, Moscow, Russian Federation

The Conditions of the Formation of the Totally Self-Checking Discrete Devices Based on the Boolean Complement Method up to 2-out-of-4 Constant-Weight Code

The paper shows that following the well-known Boolean complement method, which gives the developer of self-checking discrete devices a wider range of abilities than traditional approaches give, it is necessary to take into account the limitations imposed on the structures of both the object of diagnosis and the check logic block. The paper established the features that are inherent in the Boolean complement method, particularly, the use of a cascade of parallel adders by modulo two. Examples illustrating these features are given. The paper formulates practical recommendations that should be followed in the development of self-checking discrete devices based on the Boolean complement method up to 2-out-of-4 constant-weight code.
Keywords: self-checking discrete devices, self-checking check circuit, Boolean complement method, constant-weight code, "2-out-of-4" code, conditions for fault detecting

P. 143–151

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