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No. 9. Vol. 24. 2018

DOI: 10.17587/it.24.563-572

M. M. Gourary, Senior Research Associate,, Ì. Ì. Zharov, Leading Research Associate,, S. G. Rusakov, Principal Research Associate,, S. L. Ulyanov, Principal Research Associate,, Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics RAS, Moscow, 124365, Russian Federation

Model Order Reduction of Electrical Circuits Taking Account of External Networks Characteristics

Main stages of projective model order reduction (MOR) methods for electrical circuits include model construction by Pade approximation, implementation of Krylov subspace methods for essential decrease of computational noise, application of congruent transform to save circuit passivity, using block-Krylov methods for multiport circuits and multipoint rational-Krylov algorithms to mitigate the redundancy of reduced models. The considerable drop in the redundancy was achieved by applying singular value decomposition and by adaptive choosing the expansion points to be used for the moment matching. Thus, further progress in redundancy elimination cannot be provided by the modifications improvement of basis construction algorithms, and other directions to decrease redundancy should be considered. Known methods suppose direct connection of signal sources to network ports, thus resulting in the network solutions that often cannot exist in the framework of real surrounding. Then the reduction algorithm to provide required accuracy for such solutions excessively increases the model order. So, taking account of external circuitry in MOR procedures is the promising approach to minimize the order of reducing network. To take surrounding into account the MOR problem for the subcircuit of linear electrical circuit is considered. The problem solving is based on Galerkin method similarly with standard approach for linear dynamical system. Departing from that approach, the proposed method reduces Kirchhoff equations for the subcircuit internal nodes only. The projective basis is generated in the space of the subcircuit state vectors obtained by evaluations of the whole circuit. The reduced model presented by admittance matrix with the saved set of the subcircuit boundary nodes can be directly included in any electrical network. Numerical simulation of RC-line and its reduced versions demonstrated essential decrease of the error if the average capacitance load is taken into account.
Keywords: electronic design automation, model order reduction, circuit simulation, linear subcircuit, projection matrix, Krylov subspace

P. 563–572

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