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No. 4. Vol. 24. 2018

DOI: 10.17587/it.24.266-273

V. I. Vasilyev, D.Sc., Professor, e-mail:, A. M. Vulfin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, e-mail:, M. B. Guzairov, D.Sc., Professor, e-mail:, Ufa State Aviation Technical University

Evaluation of Information Security Risks with Use of Rule-Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

A brief overview of modern approaches to information security risk analysis connected with their qualitative evaluation is presented. The advantages of using fuzzy logic cognitive maps (FCM) for this purpose are besides their visualization and perception convenience also a possibility of modeling ill-defined situations and systems in the conditions of uncertainty. This circumstance is one of the main obstacles arising under their construction and application while solving the issues of information risk analysis and management.
The arguments for a choice of rule-based fuzzy cognitive maps (RBFCM) and the basic notions and definitions underlying the construction of this class of FCM are considered. The characteristic stages of information risk evaluation procedure with use of RBFCM are described. The example of evaluating the consequences from a virus attack action on some information asset with application of RBFCM is considered. The problem of optimal (rational) choice of countermeasures to decrease the possible loss from the threat action is discussed.
Keywords: information security, risk analysis and management, cognitive modeling, rule-based fuzzy cognitive map, risk evaluation, countermeasures on information protection

P. 266-273

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