No. 7. Vol. 23. 2017
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V. G. Astafurov1, 2, PhD, Full Professor, e-mail: astafurov@iao.ru, Ò. V. Åvsjutkin1, PhD, Research Fellow, e-mail: oomphi.iao@gmail.com, S. V. Àxyonov2, 3, 4, PhD, Assistant Professor, e-mail: axyonov@tpu.ru
1V. E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Branch, Tomsk,
2Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics, Tomsk,
3National Research Tomsk polytechnic university, Tomsk,
4National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk,
An Effective Algorithm of Fuzzy System Design Based on Pittsburgh Classifier Model
The paper presents an effective algorithm based on fuzzy logic for low-contrast object classification in satellite images by the example of four subtypes of cirrus clouds: Cirrus uncinus (Ci unc), Cirrus floccus (Ci floc), Cirrus incus-genitus (Ci ing), Cirrus vertebratus & Cirrus intortus (Ci vert & Ci int).
It demonstrates the description of proposed methods for fuzzy production rule base design and selection of informative texture feature sets. It considers some different methods of membership functions initialization, including a numerical method approximating the base term set of texture features. As a result of the research we proposed the automated low-contrast texture object classifier based on fuzzy inference model known as the Pittsburgh classifier. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated for the image classification task for four cirrus cloud subtypes using MODIS satellite data.
The paper describes a modification of genetic algorithm for Pittsburgh classifier's parameters adaptation. The computer experiments used MODIS data containing texture images of different cloud types and demonstrated the proposed modification gets better results as compared to the classical approach.
The paper presents the suggested set of informative features of the mentioned cirrus cloud subtypes, the developed production model of the Ci unc cloud subtype and the estimation of probability of correct classification that reaches 0.58 by implementing of membership function initialization by piecewise approximation with Gauss functions. We interpreted the classification outcomes of the test cirrus cloud subtype sets and concluded the proposed fuzzy model is able to identify the translucent cover of cirrus cloud fields.
Keywords: classification, fuzzy systems, texture, Pittsburgh classifier, cirrus cloud, genetic training
P. 483–491
M. F. Volobuev, Doctoral Candidatå, A. M. Maltsev, Senior Researcher, I. V. Sokolov, Senior Researcher, Educator, e-mail: volmf81@mail.ru
Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy" (Voronezh)
An Experimental Study of the Layout of a Redundant System Controlled by Fuzzy Controller
A promising direction of improving the reliability of technical systems for various purposes is the redundancy of the most critical channels (blocks, devices) using controllers based on fuzzy multiple approach to detect failures and redundant control system, in accordance with which the selection and connection of one of the channels of the system to its exit. However, the implementation of the device failure detection using a fuzzy-set approach, based on the capabilities of modern microelectronic technology remained open. Also left open the question of the minimum number of terms a basic term-sets of an input linguistic variable, which allows to detect failures in redundant systems. The article considers the issues of practical implementation on a modern element base of devices to detect failures in redundant systems using fuzzy logic and a minimum number of terms of input linguistic variable, which allows to detect failures in redundant systems.
Keywords: layout, fuzzy logic, redundant system, therm
P. 491–498
V. I. Levin, Dr. of Tech Sci, Professor, e-mail: volevin@mail.ru, Penza State Technological University
Multidimensional Intervals: Calculs and Applications
In recent decades there are more and more new technologies in the civilian and military spheres which associated with studying of uncertainty. These technologies are widely used in engineering, economics, social sphere. To support their new mathematical models and methods are needed. In this regard, this article dedicated to the development of new model of uncertainty (multidimensional interval) and mathematical methods of its study is relevant. The purpose of the article is in detailed design of a new adequate mathematical model of uncertainty — multidimensional interval, which is a set of finite number of independent intervals of uncertainty, the system of algebraic operations on multidimensional intervals and rules to perform these operations. To accomplish this goal we propose to extend to study multidimensional intervals the method from the interval mathematics based on the determination of algebraic operations on intervals in form of set-theoretic generalization of operations on real numbers. The novelty of the work lies in the proposed new mathematical model of uncertainty of systems in form of multidimensional intervals, together with mathematical tools allowing to perform various operations on multidimensional intervals and thereby enabling them to perform mathematical modeling of systems with uncertainty. The article detailed developed a new mathematical model of uncertainty — multidimensional interval. The algebraic operations on multidimensional intervals are determined and some rules for their implementation are output. The algorithm of study of uncertain systems with parameters in form of multidimensional intervals is presented.
Keywords: model of uncertainty, interval value, the multidimensional interval, modeling of systems with uncertainty
P. 499–502
D. V. Titov, Head of Department, LLC "Gazprom inform" D.Titov@inform.gazprom.ru, I. V. Retinskaya, DSc, Professor, V. S. Retinsky, DSc, Full Professor, kto@migmail.ru, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow
Modeling of the Certification Center Infrastructure
The organizational procedure for issuing certificates for access to official information in Gazprom corporation is considered. Methods for presenting information from the certification database in the form of samples convenient for further statistical analysis are developed. A monitoring system is proposed that allows you to dynamically monitor the loading of operators. Approaches to the presentation of the infrastructure of the Certification Center as a queuing system are considered.
Keywords: authentication certificate, information protection, queuing theory, modeling, data processing, programming, databases
P. 503–509
V. G. Litvin, D. Sc., Professor, Chief Specialist, e-mail: litvg@mail.ru, Joint Stock Company "Research Institute for Automated Apparatus named after Academician V. S. Semenikhin" (JSC " NIIAA"), Moscow, Yu. V. Litvin, PhD, Director of the Center, e-mail: litvinj@simplecs.ru, Scientific-research Institute of Economics and management in gas industry (LLC "NIIgazeconomika", JSC "Gazprom"), Moscow
About Assessment of Time Development Large-Scale Management Information System, Created in Structure System of Systems
New approach to assessment of time project development the information and management systems (IMS) in an organization structure system of systems (SOS) [1] according to wave model and technology of the virtual prototyping, conceptual and simulation — analytic models. SOS is used in case determination of cast on development different large-scale projects, in particular, projects of informatization administrative processes, energy projects and etc. It is caused by the fact that separate subsystems of IMS differ from each other with an essence processes of automation and require the appropriate competences their execution. Design process, as a rule, is multiphase with step-by-step with constant accumulation knowledge of future system and its surrounding, and step-by-step solution of problems. For the analysis of projects with structure SOS it is accepted wave model. Level of competences the respective area business and possibility use the accepted technology of development can be the main thing in case a choice performers. Key option of the technology considered in article is sharing of three directions of development and the analysis [4, 5]: 1) conceptual modeling; 2) virtual prototyping; 3) combined simulation and analytical modeling. As development system in the environment SOS is executed parallely, an essential role is played at the same time by models assessment of time response characteristics parallely developing processes. Application of the offered approaches and methods is shown by examples calculation probable characteristics runtime of projects.
Keywords: management information systems, wave model of project, system of systems, phase distributions
P. 509–516
R. M. Alguliyev, Full member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, DrSc, Professor, e-mail: rasim@science.az,
Ya. N. Imamverdiyev, PhD on technical sciences, Assistant Professor, e-mail: yadigar@lan.ab.az,
L. V. Sukhostat, PhD on technical sciences, e-mail: lsuhostat@hotmail.com,
Institute for Information Technologies, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
Cyber-Physical Systems: Basic Concepts and Security Issues
Cyber-physical system is one of the most important and promising technologies. The aim of this study is to select, classify, and analyse the existing researches on the security issues of cyber-physical systems in order to better understand how the security is actually provided to these systems. This paper deals with the state-of-the-art researches in the field of cyber-physical systems security due to the following issues: 1) assessment of the cyberattacks’ impact; 2) attacks modeling; 3) intrusion detection; and 4) the development of secure architecture. The basic types of attack and threats classification on cyber-physical systems are considered. The future research directions in the field of cyber-physical systems security are discussed.
Keywords: cyber-physical system, cyber-physical system security, cyber-physical system attacks, cyber-physical system threats, intrusion detection
P. 517–528
Z. Z. Ruzicka1, 2, Engineer, K. V. Muzalevskiy1, Acting Head of the Laboratory, O. E. Yakubailik3, Senior Researcher, e-mail: oleg@icm.krasn.ru, E. G. Shvetsov4, Researcher
1Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk,
2Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk,
3Institute of Computational Modelling, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk,
4V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk
Information Technological Support of Tasks of Processing and Submission of Radiometric Satellite Data
Problems, methods and software tools for processing and presentation of SMOS, GCOM-W1 and MODIS radiometric satellite data are discussed. These data are used in studies of different soil characteristics, such as soil moisture and temperature. The main attention is paid to SMOS satellite data and the discussion different characteristics of the software to handle them. Article presents a list of existing software toolboxes for various operations on these data. A database of geospatial data along with software and applied services for a variety of operations on them have been created. Efficient data storage structure that provides a significant increase in computational performance for a number of tasks has been proposed. A number of software functions have been implemented for downloading, storing and processing of geospatial radiometric data. The developed system provides setting of various parameters through configuration files, which simplify common user tasks, such as granting access rights for database connection, selection and visualization of information from geospatial database, conversion and export data to third party formats.
Using of open international mapping standards of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) for geospatial data greatly simplifies access to information on the topic, expanding the audience of potential users. The software tools developed can be used for solving different problems arising in scientific investigations. It is widely used in everyday research in the Laboratory of Radiophysics of the Remote Sensing, Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Keywords: radiometric data, SMOS, soil moisture, brightness temperature, satellite data processing, software service
P. 529–535
I. S. Pechenko, Researcher, A. B. Petrov, D. Sc., Professor, Head of the Chair, Moscow Technological University (MIREA), reizennn@mail.ru, petrov@mirea.ru
Data Models for SoC Specifications Creation and Usage
The complexity of systems on chips (SoCs) design significantly grows every year, and it leads to increasing the importance of SoC architecture verification process. Development of high-level modeling languages in the past decades allowed starting verification very early, when system architecture specification is ready. Despite this, there still is a gap between architecture specification creation and the start of system verification. The common way of transition from architecture specification creation to executable model design is to create the specification mostly using natural language and then manually create the executable model based on it. To close this gap, we need to create specifications that are free of typical architecture specifications drawbacks: ambiguity, incompleteness, fragmentation and easy to create and understand. This paper presents a data model for SoC specifications and specification creation and usage process that can help architects to solve this problem.
SoC architectural specification can be divided into two parts: structural specification and behavioral specification. The first one is a map of system components and a requirements specification for each of them. The second is a description of system behavior in different situations and protocols of IP-block intercommunication.
The basic specifications usage process should be designed to solve the problem of transition from specification to high-level model and take care of all potential specification drawbacks. Based on this, the process should be as follows:
1. Specification creation from scratch or from existing architecture.
2. Binding all parts of the specification together.
3. Data validation. This process can be divided in three parts: syntax check, consistency check and formal verification.
4. Automatic specification translation to high-level formal model.
Very important step of specification creation process design is data model definition. Data model should negate the drawbacks of traditional specifications and should be easy enough to be used for specification creation and to understand for any specification user. The best data presentation format for behavioral specifications is behavior diagrams, and there are two behavior diagram languages that are used most often for system specification design: UML activity diagrams and BPMN notations. One of the most common formats for structural specifications is spreadsheet format. To support data validation and automatic transition to formal models we chose object-oriented approach to spreadsheet creation, when at first a class of spreadsheets is created and then individual spreadsheets are instantiated from this class. All necessary properties of a spreadsheet class can be written in an XML-document attached to it.
Keywords: system on a chip (SoC), architectural specification, verification, automation, data model, spreadsheets, diagrams, structural specifications, behavioral specifications
P. 536–542
P. Sh. Geidarov, Phd, Associate Professor, e-mail: plbaku2010@gmail.com, Institute for System Control NAS of Azerbaijan, Baku
The Feedforward Neural Network with Calculated Parameters
The paper describes the possibility of creating the feedforward neural networks with a clear defined architecture and with calculated parameters, realizing the metric methods of recognition. For these networks number of neurons, connections, as well as weights and thresholds values are calculated analytically, based on the initial conditions of tasks: number of recognizable classes, number of samples, metric expressions used. The work also shows ways of calculating the value of tables of weights without the use of classical learning algorithms. We also consider the examples of the calculation tables of weights of the neural network connections. Also, the work suggests ways to reduce the number of calculations. For this purpose, changes are made in the neural network architecture. The article also discusses the possibility of minimizing the number of neurons and connections to networks received. In the paper also describes the algorithm that implements the selection of a minimum set of samples from learning set. The received conclusions are checked on examples with handwritten symbols and figures.
Keywords: models of neural networks, neural network training, linear neural network, nearest neighbor method, the method of sample, metric methods of recognition, activation function
P. 543–552
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