No. 1. Vol. 31. 2025
DOI: 10.17587/it.31.35-41
A. G. Abramov, Ph. D., Head of Department, A. A. Gonchar, Deputy Head of the Unified Computing Cluster,
A. V. Evseev, Head of the Center of Management of National Research Network, B. M. Shabanov, Dr. Tech. Sci., Corr. Mem. of the RAS, Deputy Director, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
Results of the Development of National Research Computer Network of Russia within the Framework of the National Project "Science and Universities" in 20212024
The paper presents and discusses the main results of work on the development of the National Research Computer Network of Russia (NIKS) performed within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities" in 2021-2024. The implemented activities are considered to eXpand the territorial accessibility and increase the throughput of the backbone infrastructure, ensure high-speed and reliable sectoral network connectivity, and connect the country's leading research and educational organizations of higher education to the network. The dynamics of development of the network backbone infrastructure, regional coverage, gradual increase in the number of connected organizations and some other statistical information about the user base are presented. Prospects and possible directions for further development of NIKS are discussed.
Keywords: national research computer network, NIKS, national research and education network, backbone infrastructure, network bandwidth, territorial accessibility, leading research and educational organizations
P. 35-41
Acknowledgments: The paper has been prepared within the framework of the state assignment of NRC "Kurchatov Institute" on the topic No FNEF-2024-0014. The work has been performed using the resources of the Center of the collective use of scientific equipment "National Research Computer Network" (code: 3576270).
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