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No. 1. Vol. 31. 2025

DOI: 10.17587/it.31.16-23

I. V. Olshanskay, Cand. Sc., Associate Professor, S. N. Fedorenko, Senior Lecturer,
Sevastopol State University, Higher mathematics Department, Sevastopol, 299053, Russian Federation

Single-Flow Automated Line with Intermediate Storage and Various Types of Downtime of Production Cells

In technology we widely use semi-Markov processes, because with their help someone can model a large number of production systems. For increasing automated production flexibility and reliability workers use storage devices in different roles, such as inter- operational buffers in conveyor production, as loading and unloading solutions, as modules with the ability to store products, etc. On the other hand, during operation, off-cycle time losses (downtime) occur, which have a significant impact on the system. In this regard, problems arise in constructing mathematical models based on them, taking into account the features, structure and purpose of such systems, making it possible to identify and analyze those types of downtime that have the greatest impact on their functioning. It is known that in practice we cannot completely eliminate any type of downtime during operation, so the our research goal is to develop a mathematical model that will allow us to determine by what amount certain downtime can actually be reduced and how this will effect on the reliability and efficiency characteristics. In this paper, for a single-threaded automated line with intermediate storage devices, we build a semi-Markov model with a discrete-continuous phase state space. Then, using the asymptotic phase enlargement algorithm, we find expressions for the approximate calculation of the system under consideration stationary reliability characteristics. In the final part of the article, as an illustration of our results, we present the calculated stationary characteristics values using the example of a three-phase system for different processing times of the outlet device.
Keywords: semi-Markov model, technical system, intermediate storage devices, downtime, asymptotic phase aggregation algorithm, reliability characteristics

P. 16-23



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