No. 12. Vol. 30. 2024
DOI: 10.17587/it.30.646-657
D. S. Pashchenko, Ph.D. Tech. Sciences, MBA, independent consultant in software development, Moscow, 125368, Russian Federation
ORCID : 0000-0001-9089-8173
Complicating the Innovative Model of a High-Tech IT Company
This paper examines the combined impact of significant modern trends on competitive processes in the IT industry. These trends include industry digitalization, the use of artificial intelligence tools in software engineering, and the concept of an IT company without physical offices and with fully virtualized production processes. The determination of the level of influence of these trends on the European information technology market is based on the author's research from 2020-2023. It is already obvious that the combination of these trends has a serious impact on the industry, but this impact continues to grow, which requires the management of IT companies to manage timely changes at the strategic level. The article offers an updated list of signs of an IT company achieving high-tech status, defines elements of a corporate strategy that allow using related advantages, and presents tactical steps for implementing timely changes. The article also presents a fundamental route for an IT company to achieve the status of a promising high-tech company with a global level of competitiveness.
Keywords: software development, AI, fully remote work, "hybrid" work model, change management, organizational paradigm
P. 646-657
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