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No. 12. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.640-645

G. S. Miziukov, PhD, Assistant Professor,
Rostov State Transport University, Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation,
G. I. Akperov, Marketing and Innovation Director,
Southern University (IMBL), Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation

Development of a Web Platform for Assessing the Success Potential of a Startup Based on the ChatGPT Chatbot

The article examines the complex task of assessing the success potential of a startup using the ChatGPT chatbot. To solve the problem, a technique is proposed, which is based on the use of the ChatGPT language model. The effectiveness of assessing the potential for success of a startup is based on three criteria: assessing profitability, assessing the potential of startup participants and, directly, assessing the likelihood of success of the startup. Based on the methodology proposed in the article for assessing the success potential of a startup, an alpha version of a web platform based on the Laravel framework was developed. Using the developed platform, the proposed methodology was tested. The results obtained indicate the high potential of the platform for both the scientific and commercial segments.
Keywords: startup assessment, Laravel framework, ChatGPT, language model, natural language processing algorithms

P. 640-645


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