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No. 10. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.544-552

G. R. Vorobeva, Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, E. F. Farvaev, Postgraduate Student,
Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, 450008, Russian Federation

On the Issue of Constructing Spatial Isolines for Irregular Monitoring Networks

The article examines spatial isolines construction based on data on an irregular grid. In particular, a possible solution to the problem of contour breaks is explored. Measurements of the magnetic field parameters taken from variation stations are used as data. The paper presents a description of the algorithm for constructing isolines and describes the software system that implements this algorithm. The results of system performance testing are given in the last chapter.
Keywords: isolines construction, irregular grid, visualization on a globe, spatial interpolation

P. 544-552


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