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No. 10. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.528-536

V. A. Bobkov, Chief Researcher, A. A. Shupikova, Lead Engineer,
Institute of Automation and Control Processes of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, 690041, Russian Federaition

A Method for Tracking an Underwater Pipeline from Stereo Images Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

The problem of tracking an underwater pipeline (UP) is considered in the context of an inspection mission. It is assumed that the diameter of the cylindrical pipe is known. To solve this problem, a tracking method is proposed, based on searching and calculating the center line of the UP, and determining the relative position of the autonomous underwater robot (AUV) and UP in the coordinate system of the AUV camera. Unlike well-known analogues, in which the solution is based on recognizing and constructing the boundaries of the UP in images, the proposed method searches for the true position of the center line of the UP on a set of possible options by checking their veracity. Possible options for the spatial position of the search centerline of the current UP section are generated by varying the direction of the beam in the horizontal and vertical plane. The starting point of the ray is the end point of the centerline of the previous section. The veracity criterion is to check that the 3D point features constructed in the scene belong to the cylindrical surface of the UP. The generation and matching of pointfeatures in images of a stereo pair is carried out using the SURF detector. The choice of the correct direction of the center line of the current UP section is ultimately made by voting. The end point of the center line of the current section is determined taking into account the calculated common visibility area with the previous section of the UP. To evaluate the effectiveness of the method, computational experiments were carried out on virtual scenes. The effectiveness was assessed by the accuracy of UP localization (in the AUV coordinate system) and by the speed of calculations in comparison with: a) the first version of this method, based on the use of a vectorized form of images; b) analogues using the Canny and Hough Transform detectors. The stability of the method to the accumulation of navigation accuracy errors during long-term tracking of UPs was also assessed.

Keywords: inspection, underwater pipeline (UP), autonomous underwater robot, recognition, stereo image, UP centerline, point features

Acknowledgements: The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation No. 22-11-00032, and the state budget topic of the Institute of Automation and Control Process, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (IACP FEB RAS) No. 0202-2021-0004. Under the RSF grant No. 22-11-00032, a method for tracking an underwater pipeline (UP) using stereo images by an autonomous underwater robot (AUV) was developed. On the state budget topic IAPU No. 0202-2021-0004, estimates of the comparative effectiveness of methods for tracking AUV underwater UP using stereo images were obtained.

P. 528-536


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