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No. 10. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.520-527

G. N. Makarov, Research Engineer, T. M. Sorokin, Senior Design Engineer, V. S. Kalashnikov, Ph.D., Head of Department, M. Y. Semenov, Ph.D., Director, S. F. Tsarapkin, Executive Director, M. A. Gundartsev, Ph.D., Team Lead,
LLC NM-Tech, Zelenograd, Russian Federation

Requirements for Standard and I/O Cell Library Domestic Characterization System Development

The article is devoted to define requirements and discover specific featuresfor domestic standard cell and I/O libraries characterization EDA tool. A general structure of the library characterization system is presented. The basic requirements indicted for the system are considered and analyzed in the article. A comparative analysis of correspondence to these requirements for domestic and foreign characterization tools is done. The specific features the domestic library characterization system should satisfy are formulated. Among the main features the following are outlined in the article: compatibility and support of domestic OS, support of well-known foreign and domestic Spice-simulators, Russian language support for documentation, scalability, ensuring confidence of the output data. A brief review of typical tasks, intrinsic for characterization tool development and corresponding algorithms, required for its resolving is given. The following issues along with appropriate proposals for its solution are mentioned: automated definition of optimal input waveforms for sequential cells initialization, searching for maximum capacitance load for the cell, setup and hold parameters calculation for sequential cells, method of optimal output current PWL approximation for CCS parameters calculation. As a conclusion of the investigation the current status of domestic characterization systems development is analyzed. In the outcome a problem of domestic library characterization tool that aligned with all the requirements and support the specific features defined above has been raised.
Keywords: library characterization, standard cell, IO cell, EDA, Liberty format, simulation, digital integrated circuit, system on chip

P. 520-527


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