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No. 10. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.504-514

A. N. Bozhko, Dr. of Tec. Sc., Professor of CAD department, R. C. Chernyaev, Postgraduate Student of CAD department,
Bauman Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Graph and Network Methods for Automating the Design of Disassembly Processes for Complex Technical Systems. Review

During the operation of a complex machine or device, it is necessary to perform complete or partial disassembly of the product and its individual components and assemblies. Disassembly operations are required for repair, maintenance and disposal of technical system components at the end of their service life. Modern technical systems can consist of several thousand (or more) parts and components. Therefore, it is necessary to use modern computing and design automation tools to plan disassembly processes and operations. The sequence of disassembly and the content of disassembly operations largely depend on the mechanical structure of the product. To model the mechanical structures of complex products in CAD-systems, various graph and network models are mainly used. The paper gives an overview of the most popular models of this type. The main carrier of information about the mechanical structure of a product is the so-called liaison graph. The review considers design procedures for synthesizing disassembly processes using the liaison graph. Procedures of expert ordering and procedures based on cuts in the liaison graph.
Keywords: Computer aided disassembly planning, liaison graph, product network model, product mechanical structure, disassembly sequence

P. 504-514



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