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No. 1. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.50-55

Yu. V. Polishuk, Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Ya. V. Goncharova, Technician,
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russian Federation

The Method for Implementing Test Constructors Using the Lualatex Publishing System

One of the key factors of successful learning is the control of mastering the material that has been passed, which can be implemented, including by performing control test tasks.

The work is devoted to the use of the desktop publishing system LuaLaTeX to automate the process of forming test control papers. The control generated with its help includes a set number of randomly selected test tasks on the specified topics, followed by mixing both the questions themselves and their answer options. Each generated control work is personalized, i.e. generated directly for a specific student, and is a control work in the form of a PDF-document.
To achieve the goal of the work, the capabilities of the LuaLaTeX publishing system are used, which include: the Lua scripting language, which is used to form a pool of control work tasks and personalize it; the TeX language is used to design the content of the control work being formed; the capabilities of the PDF format, including the JavaScript programming language, implement automated verification of control work, demonstration of correct answers to questions, preservation of the test result and provide additional security, which consists in the use of hashes instead of correct answers to tasks and a password.
As a practical significance of the proposed solution, we can note an increase in the efficiency of the process of controlling the development of the material passed by students by minimizing the speed of preparation of test control works and their verification, as well as the use of a minimum software tools for its implementation.
Keywords: test builder, control testing, interactive learning, LuaLaTeX

P. 50-55


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