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No. 1. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.42-49

I. V. Shcherban, Dr. Sc., Professor, V. S. Fedotova, Junior Researcher, N. E. Kirilenko, Junior Researcher,
A. E. Matukhno, Cand. Sc., Senior Researcher, O. G. Shcherban, Cand. Sc., Assistant Professor, L. V. Lysenko, Cand. Sc., Leading Researcher,
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Method of Localization of Spatiotemporal Patterns on the Time Sequence of Biomedical Images

A method has been developed for localizing spatiotemporal patterns observed in sequentially recorded biomedical images of laser scanning microscopy and reflecting the dynamics of the biological structures under study. By means of interpolation by radial basis functions of each individual image, a compact mathematical model of the space-time dynamics of the brightness function on a sequence of images is obtained. The subsequent localization of the structures of the sought-for dynamic patterns is carried out by means of the mathematical apparatus of singular spectral analysis. The results of experiments on optical visualization of the activity patterns of the olfactory bulb of a macrosmatic (rat) confirmed the efficiency of the developed method for localizing the reaction to biomarkers of human oncological diseases.
Keywords: biomedical imaging, laser scanning microscopy, dynamic pat-terns, neural network, gaussian radial basis function, singular spectral analysis

P. 42-49

Acknowlegements: This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project น 22-25-00683 (2022—2023).


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