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No. 7. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.372-381

A. N. Varnavsky, Associate Professor,
HSE University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Models of Interest, Difficulty, and Perceived Usefulness of the Gaming Chatbot with Wordle Like Puzzles for Learning Programming

The task of assessing student perception of the gaming chatbot with Wordle like puzzles for learning programming is considered. An experiment was conducted, the processing of the results of which made it possible to build 3 regression models describing the influence of factors on the interest, difficulty, and perceived usefulness of the gaming chatbot. Recommendations for using the gaming chatbot are formulated.
Keywords: DGBL, task difficulty, interest, perceived usefulness, gaming chatbot, Wordle, programming, student skills, course assessment, performance metrics

P. 372–381

Acknowledgements: The publication was prepared during the research (No. 22-00-052) within the framework of the Program "Research Foundation of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)."


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