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No. 1. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.3-12

V. N. Tarasov, Dr. of Eng. Sc., Prof., Head of Department, N. F. Bakhareva, Dr. of Eng. Sc., Prof., Head of Department,
Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara, 443010, Russian Federation

Simulation Modeling of QS with Hyper-Erlang and Erlang Distributions

The article is devoted to the construction of simulation models of customer delay in the queue in the form of a queuing system (QS) described by both ordinary and right-shifted hyper-Erlang and second-order Erlang distributions. This article is a logical continuation of previous works devoted to the construction of numerical-analytical QS models with shifted distribution laws. In the article, the Erlang distribution is considered as a special case of the more general Gamma distribution law, in contrast to the normalized Erlang distribution. These two forms of the Erlang distribution differ in numerical characteristics, except for the coefficient of variation. To solve the problem, the system of discrete-event modeling GPSS WORLD was used.
Keywords: Shifted Erlang and Hyper-Erlang Distributions, GPSS WORLD Discrete Event Modeling System

P. 3-12


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