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No. 5. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.269-276

V. V. Morozov, Engineer, V. A. Nemtinov, Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor,
Tambov State Technical University,
Yu. V. Protasova,
Ph.D. Econ. Sc., Associate Professor,
Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin

Formation of Thematic Virtual Tours of Cultural Heritage Objects Based on Graph Theory

The technology of creating an information virtual space is considered, one of the stages of which is the development of thematic excursions. The article focuses on the development of a virtual guide model, which is based on graph theory, for oriented viewing of objects and events of historical reconstruction. As an example, a historical reconstruction was carried out and a virtual museum was created on memorable places associated with the life and activities of the Chicherin family, whose prominent representatives were G. V. Chicherin and his uncle B. N. Chicherin. Chicherin is one of the founders of the constitutional law of Russia, a philosopher, historian, publicist, teacher. He developed the first model of the atom, an honorary member of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society (on the recommendation of Mendeleev). G. V. Chicherin — the first People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, a diplomat. When creating a virtual historical space, the software environments Twinmotion, Bigscreen and 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro were used. The virtual tour solves a number of tasks: an educational platform for schoolchildren, students; joint remote solution of issues related to the modeling of various studied objects, territories, memorable places; conducting remote online excursions to virtual museums, cultural objects with a guide.
Keywords: technology for creating virtual excursions, cultural heritage sites, graph theory, historical reconstruction, virtual space, Twinmotion, 3DVista Virtual Tour, "live"guide, Bigscreen

Acknowledgments: RNF grant (project No. 19-18-00044). Analysis of the historical processes of the memorable places of the Tambov Region associated with the stay of famous figures of Russia in them, using virtual modeling technology

P. 269-276


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