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No. 1. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.13-22

N. N. Kramskoi1, Head of Discipline, A. O. Roniashkevich3, Postgraduate Student, D. I. Tali3, Ph.D., Teacher of Departments, O. A. Finko2,3, Grand Ph.D., Professor, Professor of the Department,
1 The Special Technological Center Ltd, Saint Petersburg, 198412, Russian Federation,
2 Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, 107564, Russian Federation,
3 Krasnodar Higher Military Order of Zhukov and the October Revolution Red Banner School named after Army General S. M. Shtemenko, Krasnodar, 350063, Russian Federation

A Model of an Automated Electronic Document Management System Operating under Conditions of Probable Compromise of Signature Keys, Based on a Hierarchical Decomposition of Trusted Storage Environments

The results of an analysis of the functioning of the electronic document management system in the context of the development of methods and means of cryptanalysis and an avalanche increase in the number of processed documents are presented. A conceptual model and method for decomposing the storage subsystem into contours of operational and long-term storage of electronic documents are proposed. A mathematical model of hierarchical control of the integrity of electronic documents is presented, which takes into account the integrative properties of electronic documents, as well as requirements for storage periods and information security. The methodology and results of assessing the advantages of the developed technical solution based on the logical-probabilistic method are presented.
Keywords: long-term storage of electronic documents, hierarchical systems, compromise of cryptographic signature keys, integrity control of electronic documents, electronic document management system

Contribution of the authors:

N. N. Kramskoy — verification of the computational experiment (evaluation) of the advantages of the developed solutions.

A. O. Romashkevich — data collection and systematization; development of a mathematical model and algorithms for hierarchical control of the integrity of electronic documents; comparative analysis (evaluation) of the advantages of the developed solution; interpretation of the results obtained.

D. I. Tali — fragments of the proposed solutions using the concepts of "integrative integrity" and metadata of the ElD.

O. A. Finko problem statement; development of the idea and concept of research; control and correction of results.

P. 13-22

Acknowlegements: The study was commissioned by JSC "Russian Railways"


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