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No. 2. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.103-111

V. V. Martynov, Dr. of Tech. Sc., Professor, S. Yu. Makarova, Senior Lecturer,
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ufa University of Science and Technology", Ufa, 450000, Russian Federation

Technologies for Designing Professional Educational Training Programs for the Digital Economy

In this article, the authors consider the issues of training qualified personnel for the digital economy at the present stage of higher education development. The article describes the relationship between the emergence of new technologies and high-tech industries and the emergence of new directions and specialties in the field of higher education, requiring students to master new competencies. The concept of "competence" and the problems of implementing the competence approach in the system of higher professional education are investigated. The main definitions and principles of the competence approach to the design of educational outcomes in higher education are outlined. The analysis of published studies and presented software products devoted to the design of curricula is given. An important analytical conclusion is that one of the important points in the development of educational programs is to focus on the needs of production in young professionals with a certain set of competencies, but now most programs of higher and secondary vocational education do not have time to take into account the latest achievements in the technological and industrial spheres. The development of students’ competencies is the goal of educational programs, therefore they should be structured in such a way as to ensure the consistent and systematic development of the necessary skills and knowledge. The authors note that the competence approach in higher professional education is implemented in the form of an approximate basic educational program that forms a model of a specialist whose competencies must meet production standards to perform specific labor functions. The article sets the task to form a set of disciplines that is optimal in terms of labor intensity and levels of competence formation, allowing the most effective implementation of the competencies of a student in the bachelor’s degree direction, taking into account the level of formation and limitations of the curriculum set by the employer. The mathematical model of solving the problem and the technology of designing the optimal competence model of the graduate, taking into account the requirements of the employer, are presented.
Keywords: competence, competence model, curriculum, competence matrix, competence approach, higher education, professional competencies, educational results, employer requirements, competence matrix

P. 103-111


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