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No. 12. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.615-621

A. G. Abramov1, Ph. D., Leading Researcher, A. A. Gonchar2, Deputy Director, A. V. Evseev1, Director,
B. M. Shabanov2, Dr. Tech. Sci., Corr. Mem. of the RAS, Director,
1St. Petersburg Department of Joint Supercomputer Center of the RAS,
2Joint Supercomputer Center of the RAS

Experience in Integrating Regional Research and Education Networks to the National Research Computer Network of Russia on the Example of the ROKSON Network

The paper is devoted to the issues of organizing the interaction of the new generation National Research Computer Network (NIKS) with individual Russian regional research and education telecommunications networks in the course of the development of NIKS within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities". A brief excursion into the history of the creation and development of academic networks within the territory of St. Petersburg is given. The main attention is paid to the organizational, methodological and technical aspects of the implementation of activities for the integration of the Regional Unified Computer Network for Education and Science of St. Petersburg (ROKSON) into NIKS.
Keywords: national research computer network, NIKS, regional research and education network, ROKSON, integration

P. 615-621

Acknowledgments: The paper has been prepared within the framework of the state assignment of FSI SRISA RAS on the topic No FNEF-2022-0014. The work has been performed using the resources of the Center for the collective use "National Research Computer Network" (code: 3576270).



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