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No. 11. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.595-603

E. M. Aristova1, Cand. Sc., Assistant Professor, A. S. Belyaev2, Developer Advocate, F. A. Desyatirikov1, Student, E. N. Desyatirikova1, Dr. Sc., Professor,
1 Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation,
2 Haulmont, Samara, Russian Federation

Multicriteria Optimization of Software Development Platform Selection

The problem of multicriteria optimization of tech stack selection in a non-linear software development environment is formalized. Approaches to solving the problem based on the formation of a compromise area of local quality criteria, additive convolution of vector criteria and their scalarization are considered. An aggregate quality criterion of the software development platform is proposed. It allows taking into account the nonlinearities of the external environment in the framework of solving the problem of extremal control. The coordinates of the vector criteria are piecewise continuous functions A comparative analysis of various approaches to changing the software development tech stack in the face of significant disturbances in the development tools market has been carried out. The possibilities of boxed solutions, custom development and Open Source software development in ensuring information security of the software development environment are shown. The information stability of a software development project using Less Code tools is established and the advantages of technological solutions are shown. The analysis of the adequacy of the obtained solutions was carried out using the Open Source Less Code of the Jmix platform. The data of a comparative analysis of the budgets of the Less Code platform and custom software from vendors are given, which showed the benefits of using Open Source software development tools for long-term operation of the development platform.
Keywords: multicriteria optimization, objective function, conflict, tech stack, Open Source, Less-Code, Jmix

P. 595-603


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