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No. 9. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.492-499

O. V. Vatolina, Ph.D. Econ. Sc., Associate Professor,
Pacific State University, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation,
D. V. Kolodin, Ph.D. Sociological Sciences, Vice Chief of Department of Study Activities,
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russian Federation

Factors and Criteria for Choosing an IT Project Implementation Methodology (Based on Expert Survey Materials)

The scientific article discusses with the problem of the dependence of the choice of methodology for the implementation of IT projects on the factors influencing the effectiveness of such activities. An IT project and its performance is considered in terms of the capacity of an IT project, the type of IT project. The basis of the empirical study was an expert survey based on the Delphi methodology. In the survey, the authors invite experts to consider what factors and criteria, in addition to the classical ones, can affect the image of the result in the implementation of IT projects.
Keywords: IT-project, waterfall methodology, agile methodology, life cycle, risks

P. 492-499


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