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No. 9. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.473-484

L. F. Tagirova, Cand. Ped. Sc., Associate Professor, N. G. Semenova, Dr. Sc., Professor,
Federal State Budgetary Educational institution of higher education "Orenburg State University", Orenburg, Russian Federation

Design of Personalized User Interfaces of Intelligent Training Systems Based on Neural Network Technologies

The article is devoted to the problem of developing adaptive interfaces of application programs, taking into account the individual characteristics of users. The novelty of the study is the use of two types of artificial neural networks (INS), which implement the creation of a personalized prototype of the interface, depending on the individual characteristics of the user. The first is a convolutional INS used to assess gender and age characteristics, as well as the emotional state of the user, based on recognition of his face. Second, deep INS is used to select the menu components of the adaptive interface prototype. The results of the experimental operation of the developed intelligent training system (IOS) with an adaptive interface showed an increase in the quality and efficiency of students' work when studying the material presented in the IOS.
Keywords: adaptive interface, menu components, artificial intelligence, artificial neural networks, multilayer perceptron, intelligent training system

P. 473-484


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