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No. 8. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.391-405

A. N. Rodionov, Dr. of Tech. Sc.,
Computer Centre of Far-Eastern Branch of RAS, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation

Typology and Modeling Profiles of Moving-Class Process-Entity Interactions. Framework for Multimodal Route Network

Configuration of routes is a rather comprehensive, necessary and at the same time self-sufficient component of an integrated process that models the displacement of objects. This article is focused on the development of the multimodal route network model that leverages on only the pertinent suite of source abstract object types, which preliminary differentiate according to the open architecture of categorized types. The main emphasis is on the detection of relevant associations, which take place into the transportation domain being modeled, and constraints on its populations. One of these restrictions is the base segment constraint, which guarantees correct instances of the specialization segment relationship. The model contains formal expressions for verifying data reliability in terms of segments specialization, coherence and sequence order of the latter in routes. Another group of constraints encompasses the terminal pool restrictions that comprise constraints of the sequence order, non-redundancy, and unique combinations of source and destination route points. All terminal constraints have been formalized by means of the relational algebra operators. Such decision is capable of supporting integrity constraints by using triggers or stored procedures of database management systems. We have also exploited the universal structural primitive for the multilevel representation of entity lists, as well as have demonstrated the role and function of dedicated datasets under the forming of links between entities.
Keywords: moving class, process-entity interactions, segments and routes, main segment constraint, classes and kinds of terminal route points

P. 391-405


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