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No. 7. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.365-373

V. V. Morozov, Engineer, V. A. Nemtinov, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor,
Tambov State Technical University,
Yu. V. Protasova
, Ph.D. Tech. Sc., Associate Professor,
Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin

Information Analysis of Historically Significant Territories at Various Time Stages of their Development

The paper describes: a structural scheme for representing knowledge about a historically significant territory, providing a formalized informational description of a three-dimensional space model; procedural model for determining the values of the characteristics of a virtual space object; the procedure for creating a realistic virtual model of a historically significant territory, according to which conclusions should be drawn about the development of Its development; carried out Informational analysis of inaccurate data from various primary sources using fuzzy set theory. The technology of creating a virtual historical space using the developed information-logical model and software environments 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro, Twinmotion is described. As a result, a virtual tour has been obtained, which can be used for various purposes: remote consideration of issues related to objects of historical reconstruction; teaching schoolchildren, students; passing educational quests.
Keywords: historical data analysis, fuzzy logic, virtual reality, virtual space creation technology, virtual guide

P. 365-373



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