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No. 1. Vol. 28. 2022

DOI: 10.17587/it.28.48-55

S. M. Avdoshin, Ph.D., Professor, School Head: School of Software Engineering / Faculty of Computer Science, E. Y. Pesotskaya, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Software Engineering / Faculty of Computer Science, D. M. Kuruppuge, Student, School of Software Engineering / Faculty of Computer Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

Influence of Corona on IT Specialist's Jobs

The field of Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a rapidly developing and expanding arena. With the expansion of it, the need for specialists, skilled in ICT, is in high demand. The recent outbreak of Covid-19 virus has reshaped the current labor market for people with IT skills. People with tech skills in place need to evolve under new circumstances as the business where they work faces huge changes influenced by remote work. In this study, we set out to investigate what challenges may rise in IT-students skill sets and competences after the Covid-19 pandemic due to remote work, lack of formal and informal face-to-face communication and other factors. Further the paper analyzes how the IT specialists feel in a changing environment, and recommends how businesses and people need to change themselves to adapt to the Covid-19 effects based on the analysis and how to grow in their future skills.
Keywords: Computer Science Education, Employment, Training, Career management, Covid-19 pandemic

P. 48–55

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