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No. 5. Vol. 28. 2022

DOI: 10.17587/it.28.274-280

V. V. Krekhalev, Magister, Higher school of information technologies and automated systems of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation

Investigation of the Operation of Web Applications without a Command-Events from an External Source (from the Client)

Many web programmers are faced with the problem of not being able to implement a number of methods by internal means of the web server, due to the lack of a tool for calling program modules on internal and independent events (for example, when a certain time occurs or when an event occurs from an independent event source). This article describes the research and concept of a web application in the absence of external commands to run a web application script by means of a web server. In parallel to the task, the issue of storing data in variables between iterations of the web application script was solved (without using shared memory tools).
Keywords: Web application; Web server; Interpreted programming languages; Event-free script; Shared RAM

P. 274–280

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