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No. 4. Vol. 28. 2022

DOI: 10.17587/it.28.202-211

Yu. A. Zack , D. Sc., Aachen, Germany

Hierarchical Fuzzy-Logic Expert Systems for Medical Diagnostics

Unlike numerous publications on the application of fuzzy logic in medicine, where the main attention was paid to the medical features of the problem, this work for the first time formulates the most effective areas and general methodological aspects of constructing such systems. The structure, methods of creating knowledge bases and the sequence of decision-making based on them by a specialist doctor are presented. The types of membership functions that are advisable to use to represent the symptoms of diseases are proposed. In fuzzy-logical conclusions, not only the values of the characteristic functions of the logical terms of individual symptoms are used, but also complex arithmetic functions of their values.
Keywords: medical diagnostics, disease symptoms, fuzzy sets, linguistic terms, digital scales, fuzzy-logical conclusions, criterion of optimality, knowledge bases, expert opinions

P. 202–211

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