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No. 1. Vol. 27. 2021

DOI: 10.17587/it.27.51-56

E. B. Doronina, Design Engineer of SCB "Meridian", GPTP "Granit", Postgraduate Student of NOC VKO "Almaz-Antey", A. V. Skatkov, Ph. D., Professor, Sevastopol State University

The Task of Analyzing the Effectiveness of Repair and Maintenance Work of Complex Technical Equipment

The article presents the problem of analyzing the efficiency of maintenance and repair of complex technical equipment, shows a number of problem statements that reflect the problems of choosing the optimal service plan within the sequence of operations. The scalar and vector representations of the problem are considered, and a scheme for implementing an approach to evaluating the effectiveness of repair and maintenance plans is proposed.
Keywords: complex technical equipment, life cycle, organizational management, maintenance and repair, repair and maintenance work, maintenance planning

P. 51–56

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