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No. 9. Vol. 27. 2021

DOI: 10.17587/it.27.478-483

V. L. Afonin, Dr. Tech. Sci., Chief Researcher, e-mail:, V. V. Sleptsov, Dr. Tech. Sci., Chief Researcher, Institute of Machines Science named A. A. Blagonravova Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russian Federation

Neural Network Based on the Special Potential Function for the Recognition of the Multifunctional Signal

The article suggests using elements described by a special potential function as elements of a neural network. The article describes the features and characteristics of a potential function that has an output signal close to a real physiological neuron. The description and structure of a neural network is given, the elements of which are described by a special potential function. To study the neural network and configure its elements, a mathematical apparatus of tensor calculus is proposed. The article describes the possibility of using the proposed neural network for recognizing and finding areas with specified parameters on a complex spatial surface. As an example, we describe the procedure for determining an area on a complex surface that has the specified geometric and qualitative characteristics.
Keywords: spotential function, neural network, tensor, tensor calculus

P. 478–483


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