DOI: 10.17587/it.27.478-483 V. L. Afonin, Dr. Tech. Sci., Chief Researcher, e-mail: afoninwl@rambler.ru, V. V. Sleptsov, Dr. Tech. Sci., Chief Researcher, Institute of Machines Science named A. A. Blagonravova Russian Academy of Sciences, The article suggests using elements described by a special potential function as elements of a neural network. The article describes the features and characteristics of a potential function that has an output signal close to a real physiological neuron. The description and structure of a neural network is given, the elements of which are described by a special potential function. To study the neural network and configure its elements, a mathematical apparatus of tensor calculus is proposed. The article describes the possibility of using the proposed neural network for recognizing and finding areas with specified parameters on a complex spatial surface. As an example, we describe the procedure for determining an area on a complex surface that has the specified geometric and qualitative characteristics.