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No. 6. Vol. 27. 2021

DOI: 10.17587/it.27.322-330

E. A. Gosteva, V. V. Lanin, Senior Lecture,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm, Russian Federation

System Development for Intelligent Search in Industrial Standards

The article is devoted to the description of intelligent information retrieval system development according to industry standards based on the Stanford CoreNLP tool. The description of the subject area, design, and main stages of system development are presented: development of extracting information module from industrial standards, implementation of a web service using the Flask framework, and a client web application on React JS. The use of the developed system by engineers and software developers will make it possible to effectively manage the definition base of industrial standards, understand them correctly and observe them in accordance with the chosen field of knowledge.
Keywords: industrial standards, smart manufacturing, intelligent search

P. 322–330

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