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No. 5. Vol. 27. 2021

DOI: 10.17587/it.27.227-234

A. D. Obukhov, Assistant Professor, A. E. Arkhipov, Postgraduate Student, A. O. Sidorchuk, Bachelor,
Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, 392000, Russian Federation

Mathematical Modeling and Visualization of Combustion Processes in the Training Facilities

An important task in the development of training complexes is the implementation of physical processes in virtual space using the example of burning objects. To solve it, an adapted mathematical model is proposed that allows one to formalize the structure of combustion objects, their main properties and processes of changing states, starting from the ignition of the object and ending with their complete destruction or extinguishing. Original diagrams of the life cycle of virtual objects and a system of rules for changing their states have been developed, which allow tracing the entire life cycle of objects and the procedure for changing states. Each state and transition between them are clearly formalized and calculated on the basis of the properties of the object and external influences. The patterns of state change are formalized using a matrix representation of object properties. This approach is distinguished by its versatility and can be used to model other physical processes (smoke, flooding, freezing, spread of toxic gases, etc.). The practical implementation of the combustion process using the apparatus of life cycle diagrams of virtual objects has been carried out. The developed method has been successfully integrated into the Unity development environment. its use made it possible to reliably and efficiently implement the combustion process without losing performance, which is especially important for virtual reality systems.
Keywords: computer graphics, 3D modeling, visualization of physical processes, adaptive training complexes, formalization of the combustion process, model of states of virtual objects, set theory, personnel training

P. 227–234

Acknowledgements: The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of scientific project No. 19-013-00567 using the computing equipment of the Center for Collective Use Digital Engineering.

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