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No. 2. Vol. 26. 2020

DOI: 10.17587/it.26.80-87

E. M. Pint, Cand. tech. sciences, Professor, I. N. Petrovnina, Cand. tech. Sc., Associate Professor, e-mail:, I. I. Romanenko, Cand. tech. Sc., Associate Professor, e-mail:, K. A. Yelichev, Cand. tech. Sc., Associate Professor, e-mail:, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Penza, 440028, Russian Federation

Development of the Principal Symbol Recognition Method (Letters, Digital) for the Personal Computer Program

The authors of the work developed a new method for determining the types of characters of printed texts of various fonts. The proposed device consists of a perception system and a personal computer (PC). It was found that important and necessary signs for distinguishing the types of characters in printed texts are in the found combination of directions formed by the parts of the outline of the symbol. According to the developed algorithm, the indicated directions are distinguished by edging, starting from the end point, the image of the shape of the character in the PC storage device, by which the types of characters of printed texts of different fonts are clearly identified.
Keywords: printed symbol, edging, program, algorithm, reference code, personal computer, mainstream, character code, simplification of character code, definition of character code

P. 80–87

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