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No. 12. Vol. 26. 2020

DOI: 10.17587/it.26.697-700

V. I. Belovitskiy, Undergraduate Student, e-mail:, National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow, Russian Federation

The Concept of the Receipts & Promotions Cloud Service: a New Level of Communication between Bank, Store, and Customer

The development of cloud services improving the interaction of banks, stores and customers becomes high-demanded by digitalized society, that is ready to use innovative software products. The Receipts & Promotions cloud service, developed at the concept level, allows to realize the idea of providing complete information of a receipt in electronic form along with printed receipt for the Mir plastic card holders through the "Privet, Mir!" mobile application. Information from electronic receipts accumulated in the Mir cloud will allow the customer to receive personalized bonus offers from the stores — partners of the program, as well as manage the family budget. The introduction of the service opens up the wide opportunities to the stores for communication with customers. The Receipts & Promotions service is able to become the first software product based on the collection and analysis of information from electronic receipts linked to a specific user. The system of flexible personalization of bonus offers and their assessment by customers is unique and not implemented in other software products. It will be possible to consider the display of electronic receipts in the "Privet, Mir!" mobile application in a user-friendly interface as the first fully automated option of providing electronic receipts to a wide range of users.
Keywords: cloud service, payment system, mobile application, electronic receipt, bonus offer, store, customer

P. 697–700

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