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No. 8. Vol. 26. 2020

DOI: 10.17587/it.26.443-450

A. E. Aleksandrov, Ph.D., Professor, e-mail:, T. B. Azhder, Ph.D., Associate Professor, e-mail:, I. V. Stepanova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, e-mail: ivs_rrr@mail.r,u Moscow Technological University (MIREA), 107996, Moscow, Russian Federation

A Probabilistic Model for Calculating Pipelines by the Mechanism of Ductile and Brittle Fracture

A probabilistic model for calculating the failure of the pipeline by the mechanism of brittle and ductile fracture is developed. The presented model is implemented in the form of a computer program, which can be used to calculate the probabilities of leaks and large-scale fracture of cylindrical pressure vessels and pipelines under the action of static and cyclic loads with temperature and stress fields varying in thickness. Examples of parametric calculations for modeling the behavior of the pipeline under various operating conditions and selected materials are given. The results of the calculations can be used to justify the requirements of the "leak before destruction'' concept, which determine the impossibility of large-scale fracture of the pipeline and, therefore, make its operation safer.
Keywords: probabilistic safety analysis, probabilistic methods of fracture mechanics, subcritical and critical crack growth, Monte Carlo method, parametric analysis.

P. 443–450

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