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No. 1. Vol. 26. 2020

DOI: 10.17587/it.26.30-38

E. V. Politsyna, Cand. of Tech. Sc., Associate Professor, e-mail:, S. A. Politsyn, Cand. of Tech. Sc., Associate Professor, e-mail:, À. Î. Kasatkina, Student, e-mail:, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation

Development of Integrated Algorithm and Tools of Automatic Summarization for Texts in the Russian Language

The amount of information provided in text form is increasing every year. Thus, the task of automatic natural language text processing (NLP), and especially the reduction of its volume, is becoming increasingly important. But tools which produce abstracts in the Russian language mainly use the statistical method only. So, there is a need to research the summarization algorithms and create new algorithms and tools that will use several automatic summarization methods simultaneously to improve the results. The article shows the results of extraction algorithms, basing of which an integrated summarization algorithm, a library and service of automatic text summarization in the Russian languages are proposed to enable the use of various reference methods.
Keywords: data extraction, methods of summarization, integrated summarization method, automatic summarizations service

P. 30–38

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