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No. 5. Vol. 26. 2020

DOI: 10.17587/it.26.297-301

V. N. Kostin, Cand. of Tech. Sc., Associate Professor, å-mail:, Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russian Federation

Assessment of the Hazard Potential of Critical Facilities during Emergency Situations Based on Information Probabilistic Method and Principal Components

One of the approaches to assessing the magnitude of the hazard potential in emergency situations at critical facilities using the information-probabilistic method and the main components is considered. Each categorized object is described by a variety of heterogeneous hazard characteristics in the form of private types of losses in the event of emergencies from the impact of violators. The information was processed by the principal component method, a matrix of factor loads was formed, on the basis of which an analysis was made of the relationships and the significance of the influence of particular types of losses on the hazard potential of the facility. Moving to the matrix of the main components of categorized objects, we obtained weighted values of the contribution of the components to the hazard potential of the object in case of emergency. For each category of critical objects, on the basis of the probabilistic information method, the hazard potential and the necessary (required) level of protection from the influence of violators are determined. The results can be used to justify the requirements for the level of security of each category of critical objects and determine the basic type of intruder.
Keywords: connection of signs; principal component method, probabilistic information method, hazard potential, entropy

P. 297–301



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