DOI: 10.17587/it.25.545-552 N. A. Ignatiev, D. Sc., Professor, e-mail: n_ignatev@rambler.ru, National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek, Tashkent Compactness of Objects of Classes and Selection of Learning Samples The relations between the sample objects E0 = {S1,…, Sm}, divided into disjoint classes K1, Kl, is considered. Compactness determines the quantitative measure of these relations by a given metric r(x, y) and various subsets of the set of features X(n). The selection of the sample is based on the results of the sequential execution of three operators:
The rule according to which noise objects are considered as a subset of boundary objects of classes is described. A grouping algorithm based on the relationship "'<->" of connectedness objects of classes has been developed. For any pair (Si, Sj), Si, Sj ÎKd , d = 1,…, l, included in one group, there always exists a chain Si" Sk" ..." Sj. The search for the minimum sample coverage with reference objects is performed for each group separately. It is shown that when selecting informative features, the average number of objects attracted by one of the standard increases. P.545-552