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No. 4. Vol. 25. 2019

DOI: 10.17587/it.25.241-249

S. N. Polesskij, Ph. D., associate professor, e-mail:, A. V. Vostrikov, Ph. D., associate professor, e-mail:, E. N. Prokof'eva, Ph. D., associate professor, e-mail:, I. I. Romanova, assistant professor, e-mail:, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

Methods of Assessing the Reliability of Computing with Due Account for the Failure Effect of Auxiliary Equipment

Traditionally, when taking into account the influence of auxiliary elements on the operation of main elements of an object, one of two approaches is used: either the failure of auxiliary elements leads to the failure of the entire object, or the failure of auxiliary elements is not taken into account. The first method significantly underestimates the reliability indicators, and the second, respectively, overestimates them. The method, proposed in the article, takes into account the failure effect of the auxiliary elements on the operating conditions of the main ones, which allows us to more accurately assess the reliability indicators. As a research object, a typical module of equipment of the server room of an average organization was chosen; based on consideration of its structure, failure criteria were formed, and structural reliability schemes, demonstrating the advantages of the proposed approach, were constructed.
Keywords: server room, grounding, auxiliary elements, basic elements, failure rate, failure criteria, availability factor, mean time between failures.

P. 241–249

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