Journal "Software Engineering"
a journal on theoretical and applied science and technology
ISSN 2220-3397

Issue N2 2013 year

Configuration of Laboratory Practical Work Environment "Development of Information System Software on Base of IBM Products"
V. V. Kostyuk , канд. техн. наук, доц., M. A. Ushanov, e-mail:

This article reflects experience acquired by authors in process teaching of students by methods and equipments of java language programming with use of IBM products. Mastering by them different technologies of programming, configuration and tuning of development equipments of program products occurs within the framework of the laboratory practical work. In lead of development of collection and handling, storage and giving out software by requirements in information systems the questions arises from students. The questions are discussed, approach theirs solutions are considered within the framework of execution of the laboratory work.

Keywords: programming, laboratory practical work, program technology, development of information system software, integration IBM products, configuration
pp. 42–47