Journal "Software Engineering"
a journal on theoretical and applied science and technology
ISSN 2220-3397

Issue N12 2015 year

The Validation Automatic System Structure of the Diagnosis and Prognosis the Black Sea State Results
A. M. Ivanchik, Graduate Student, Leading Programmer, e-mail:, Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Sevastopol

This article describes the automatic validation system of forecast data resulting from the operation of the model MHIC2 intended for the diagnosis and prognosis of physical fields of the Black sea — sea level anomalies, sea temperature, salinity and current velocities developed in Marine hydrophysical Institute of the RAS. Operational validation system is being developed since 2012, and currently consists of three subsystems: validation by sea surface temperature satellite data, validation by in situ data of ARGO buoys, validation by sea level anomalies satellite data. Discusses the structure and operation of each of the subsystems, as well as the mechanism of interaction between subsystems.

When developing the requirements to the system parameters necessary for its effective functioning are formulated. In accordance with this requirements the system of operational validation had been developed. The developed system has a modular structure. The modular structure of the system has the advantage that errors of various origins in any subsystem, the remaining parts of the system continue to work.

The system operates in a cyclic mode (the start time is set in system settings), daily consistently starting programs that control the validation subsystems on various data, analyzes the results, automatically maintains logs of work. The logs of the system is available for remote control. Remotely accessible logs allow you to monitor what is happening in the system at any time and from any location that is limited only by the availability of the Internet. This gives you the ability to respond quickly to situations that require quick solution.

The operational validation automatic system of the diagnosis and prognosis the Black sea state results operates in MHI RAS for three years. The system has good reliability and high efficiency due to elimination of manual work operations and for quick control of the system at any stage using the logs of the system.

Keywords: automatic systems, validation, marine forecast, the Black sea, sea level anomaly, sea surface temperature, salinity, automatic systems development tools, methods of programs operation control
pp. 39–46