Journal "Software Engineering"
a journal on theoretical and applied science and technology
ISSN 2220-3397

Issue N12 2015 year

The Algebraic Model of the Distributed Logical System of the Production Type
S. D. Makhortov, Associate Professor, Head of Department, e-mail:, Voronezh State University

The most common approach to the construction and research of the distributed artificial intelligence is the multi-agent systems concept, but at the same time there are other approaches that have their own advantages in solving the specific problems associated with distributed intelligent systems.

In the last decade the author and his students obtained a number of important results in the field of knowledge management that are associated with the production logic systems that became very widespread in the computer science. They developed an algebraic theory of the LP structures, which provides the justification and the effective solution to the problems of the equivalent transformations, verification, knowledge bases minimization and speeding-up the logical inference using the parallel computing. It is implemented in a number of software products which demonstrate its practical significance. This theory also can be used to describe the other systems, that were not considered as production system before.

The article describes the next step of the LP structures theory development in context of the fundamental algebraic approach for the construction of the extandable range of the production systems and similar to them. For the corresponding knowledge bases this step consists of moving from the parallel processing to the distributed one. The paper formulates the extended algebraic model which has a number of significant capabilities that cover the distributed production-logical systems. As a result, the LP structure theory advantages become available in the such systems construction and research.

Keywords: distributed knowledge base, production system, LP structure, logical closure, equivalent transformation, logical reduction
pp. 32–38