DOI: 10.17587/prin.15.623-630
Designing Information Technology for Determining the Level of Accessibility of Financial Services
V. S. Fedko, Postgraduate Student,,
S. V. Kovalev, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies,,
O. A. Kovaleva, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies,,
Derzhavin Tambov State University, Tambov, 392036, Russian Federation
Corresponding author: Vasily S. Fedko, Postgraduate Student, Derzhavin Tambov State University, Tambov, 392036, Russian Federation, E-mail:
Received on September 09, 2024
Accepted on October 08, 2024
The article discusses the process of developing a geoinformation system reflecting the level of accessibility of financial services in the settlements of the region under consideration. Relevant GIS used in various countries and for a wide range of tasks are analyzed, for example, to display the location of medical schools in India, to select the location of solar power plants in Mecca, to analyze aspects of sustainable development of the Vologda Oblast of Russia. Some map constructors are also considered, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. Based on the analyzed tools, the main criteria that the developed GIS should meet are formulated.
The next part of the article describes the structure of the tool being developed, consisting of three levels of visualization and two blocks of data storage. The structure of the database for storing information about settlements is presented, and the block for storing coordinates of municipal boundaries is described. The process of creating a border drawing module based on two-dimensional arrays with geographical points, along which polylines are built, taking into account the map scale and map distortions vertically and horizontally, is described. The following is an analysis of the module for displaying the location of settlements based on a bubble diagram, in which latitude and longitude act as values along the X and Y axes, and the size is determined by the number of inhabitants. When describing the module for displaying the availability of financial instruments in settlements, it describes the possibilities to simultaneously demonstrate the location of settlements, the level of financial accessibility in settlements, the presence or absence of specific financial infrastructure tools, municipal and regional borders.
The main advantages of the developed product over similar ones are the ability to work in a completely offline mode without an Internet connection, maximum data detail, the ability to filter settlements by population. The developed GIS for visualization and analysis of the spatial distribution of financial services can help in planning the development of cities and regions.
Keywords: geoinformation system, spatial analysis, financial accessibility
pp. 623—630
For citation:
Fedko V. S., Kovalev S. V., Kovaleva O. A. Designing Information Technology for Determining the Level of Accessibility of Financial Services, Programmnaya Ingeneria, 2024, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 623—630. DOI: 10.17587/prin.15.623-630 (in Russian).
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