Journal "Software Engineering"
a journal on theoretical and applied science and technology
ISSN 2220-3397

Issue N8 2024 year

DOI: 10.17587/prin.15.411-424
Development of Composite Intelligent Services Operating in a Heterogeneous Environment
Ph. M. Moskalenko, Senior Researcher,, V. A. Timchenko, Senior Researcher,, Institute of automation and control processes FEB RAS, Vladivostok, 690041, Russian Federation, Far-eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, 690922, Russian Federation
Corresponding author: Philip M. Moskalenko, Senior Researcher, Institute of automation and control processes FEB RAS, Vladivostok, 690041, Russian Federation, Far-eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, 690922, Russian Federation E-mail:
Received on May 07, 2024
Accepted on June 25, 2024

The paper discusses methods, approaches, tools and technologies for composite service development. The expediency of applying the considered principles to create software application of so-called composite artificial intelligence (AI) is noted in order to implement the latter within the "distributed artificial intelligence as a service" (DAIaaS) paradigm. With the participation of the authors, the IACPaaS (Intelligent Applications, Control and Platform as a Service) cloud platform has been created and continues to be actively developed. It is intended for the creation, use and maintenance of multi-agent intelligent services that process ontological knowledge graphs. Currently, the platform provides such cloud service delivery models as PaaS (platform as a service), SaaS (software as a service), DaaS (data as a service) and Desktop as a Service. One of development directions is to provide support for the DAIaaS paradigm. It consists in the designing and implementation of tools that make it possible to use the platform and its services as components of composite applications (including AI ones) operating in a heterogeneous distributed computing environment. As a result, language and software tools were created that allow the development of distributed intelligent systems, some of the components of which are located on the IACPaaS platform, and the rest are located elsewhere. Depending on where the leading component is placed, certain tools and technologies implemented on the platform are used. The article also contains examples of created services for several domains (medicine, transport modeling, laser additive manufacturing) and options for using the platform.

Keywords: composite service, interaction language, graph knowledge base, intelligent service, distributed artificial intelligence, cloud computing, development technology, IACPaaS platform
pp. 411-424
For citation:
Moskalenko Ph. M., Timchenko V. A. Development of Composite Intelligent Services Operating in a Heterogeneous Environment, Programmnaya Ingeneria, 2024, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 411—424. DOI: 10.17587/prin.15.411-424.
The development of tools of interaction with a hybrid intelligent system to provide modifying imports was carried out within the state assignment on the topic FZNS-2023-0010; the development of methods that provide the interaction of external components with data and services of a multi-agent execution environment was carried out within the state assignment of the Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far astern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Theme FWFW-2021-0001).
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